Planning a Home Remodel

Planning a Home Remodel

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Any type of home remodel or improvements can be extremely daunting, with all you have to plan from finding contractor to creating a budget, we understanding just how over whelming it can be. To help we have put together several tips to help ensure that your next home remodel will be a success.

  • Hire a licensed, bonded, insured professional before you start planning the construction or destruction of your house. If you are planning a large scale project, hire a general contractor who will serve as a project manager and hire subcontractors including plumbers, fabricators and installers and so on.
  • Focus your project and determine whether you need improvements to your homes construction, or a cosmetic makeover. Make sure you’re bringing in the correct professionals whether it’s an architect, interior designer, or builder before you get started.
  • Be realistic about your remodel needs. Does your home need an addition for a baby or an older parent? Is your goal to increase your properties resale value? Or is it time to a home make over and to upgrade older styles and appliances? Planning cosmetic changes is certainly more fun, but before your spend your budget on superficial changes be sure necessary upgrades and repairs to the roof, appliances or safety features have need made. These types of repairs will make your home more comfortable and help you avoid more expensive repairs in the future.
  • Consider going green. Make your home more energy efficient and reduce the average cost of running your home. When you change a room or add a room, include energy-inefficient appliances and windows, installation, and/or water-conserving plumbing fixtures.
  • Finally prepare yourself and your family for the stress that comes with remodeling. Talk to your contractor about the project timeline and work together to get the job done as quickly as possible. During the construction, keep your eyes on the end result, so that the noise, dust and extra people at your home, won’t be annoying, but a reminder of your dream remodel.
    If you’re looking to make repairs to your home, contact the professionals at Bordern Installation Group for assistance.

If you’re looking to make repairs to your home, contact the professionals at Bordern Installation Group for assistance.