The Best Time to Buy Replacement Windows: A Complete Guide

Feb 13, 2023

Ready to replace your windows?

There’s no time of year when a professional cannot replace or repair your windows. Window installation projects happen year-round. As long as there are no impending disasters on arrival, the best time to install windows is when you notice the signs they need replacing.

handyman setting new windows

When is the Best Time of Year to Replace Windows?

The average window’s life expectancy is 15-25 years, depending on quality, installation, and wear and tear. Here’s a rundown of the best time of year to replace windows.

5 Signs Your Windows Need Replacing

So, when is the best time to replace windows?

The optimal time is when your windows show telltale signs that they’re no longer performing as they should. A professional can pinpoint the apparent signs in seconds, but you can also keep your eyes on your windows.

Here are the top five signs that you could benefit from replacement windows:

1. Difficult to Operate

Windows that don’t operate like they should are candidates for replacement. If you’re struggling to open and close your window, it could indicate a much-needed dose of WD-40, or it’s about to fall apart.

Your window model and its problems will decide if it’s a good time to replace the whole window. Call a professional window installer who can inspect your window and make tailored recommendations.

2. Poor Energy Efficiency

Improving energy-efficient windows is one reason people consult a professional window installer. Installing energy-efficient windows can save homeowners up to $583 annually on their energy bills. Keeping warm air inside in the winter and cold air inside in the summer is one of your windows’ primary functions.

However, if you’ve already got energy-efficient windows, how do you know that your windows are doing their job?

The biggest sign that your windows have reached the end of their lifespans is a spike in your energy bills. Unexpected monthly increases are a red flag your windows have lost some of their performance. Understandably, cost of living increases can produce a false picture of the situation, but a professional can measure whether your windows are up to standard.

Installing Energy Star-certified windows can cut your energy bills by up to 12%, so upgrading to the latest technology ensures your windows are an investment that pays for itself.

taking out an old window for replacement

3. Outdoor Noise

Your windows shouldn’t be letting in unwanted noise. Barking dogs, loud traffic sounds, or your neighbor mowing their lawn are just a few of the noises coming through your window that can keep you awake.

Don’t underestimate the impact of noise on your health. Shutting out as much of the outside world as possible is critical. According to the European Environment Agency, one million years of life are lost annually due to the impact of noise on health, with much of this caused by sleep disturbance.

While 100% soundproof windows don’t exist, insulated frames and thicker glass can dampen sounds from the outside. Consider replacing your windows with noise-resistant models if you value peace and quiet.

4. Poor Curb Appeal

Windows are a focal point for your home’s appearance. Give your home a facelift and enhance its curb appeal with modern-style windows.

If you’re sick of your windows not fulfilling the design vision for your home, it’s time to look into some style-conscious alternatives. Upgrading your windows to more contemporary styles can increase your home’s value by thousands of dollars.

5. Damaged Windows

Even minor damage impacts how your windows perform. Cracks in the frames or glass can cause your windows to fog and lose energy efficiency.

More minor problems might be relatively easy to replace, but in most cases, temporary fixes won’t cut it. Call a professional to learn more about replacing your damaged windows.

Single-Pane Windows

Single-pane windows provide no added benefits or features to prevent your energy bills from rising. If you still have single-pane windows installed in your home, you have no insulation, soundproofing, or energy efficiency.

Regardless of the temperature outside, your HVAC system will work overtime to combat those temperatures and keep you comfortable. Still, 48 million homes have single-pane instead of multi-pane windows.

When you go for double or triple-glazed windows at home, you will see a massive difference in your energy bills, home value, and carbon footprint.

The Best Time of Year to Replace Windows

The best time of year to buy windows isn’t about timing but about need. Living with windows that aren’t getting the job done means paying more money and additional stress.

As noted above, window installations are viable at any time of the year. Professionals can quickly develop an installation to suit you, no matter the season.

Here’s a breakdown of the best time to buy windows and how it works, depending on the season.

Construction workers installing new window in house together

Spring Installation

Coming out of winter means your home has likely taken a hit from the elements. Rain, snow, and ice all put the integrity of your windows to the test. If you’ve experienced significant weather events this winter, spring is the best time to replace windows.

Spring means temperatures are more amenable, but it also means a spike in demand. Expect to wait longer to have your windows installed. Remember, 78% of Americans engage in spring cleaning, which also involves home renovations.

Plan in advance to ensure you get your ideal date. Waiting for weeks to find a timeslot can mean living in uncomfortable conditions, especially in the northern states, where it can take a little longer for the temperature to go up.

Summer Installation

When determining “When is the best time to buy replacement windows?” many people will consider installing them in the summer.

You won’t have to worry about adverse weather conditions impacting your installation; if you have to wait a while, the temperatures won’t bother you. The problem with summer is that this is also the most popular time to install windows. 

Several reasons exist for the spike in demand:

  • People choose to move homes at this time of year.
  • More people take their vacations in summer, so they’re at home to meet their installers.
  • Many are preparing for hard winters ahead.

Summer means you’ll never have to worry about your installer getting stuck in a snowdrift or a sudden storm curtailing your appointment at the last minute. However, if you’ve scheduled your appointment months in advance and aren’t worried about on-peak prices, summer is an excellent season for window installation.

Fall Installation

The best time to replace windows is in fall because you can continue to enjoy amenable temperatures without the same demand as in summer.

Installing windows during the colder months might not be your first choice, but you can often benefit from lower prices. Lower demand means more chances of scoring a great discount on your installation.

However, be aware that your experience will depend on where you live. If you’re living at the top of the U.S., bad weather can cause problems. If winter takes a little longer to arrive where you live, fall installation is the best time to buy replacement windows.

Winter Installation

Inclement weather and snowstorms present the biggest threat to your window installation in winter. The best time of year to replace windows is typically when the temperature is relatively warm and stable, but winter has its benefits.

Many window installers have deals on energy-efficient windows in winter because it’s when people notice those drafts. It’s also when people’s energy bills start to increase, motivating people to replace their windows.

But when do windows go on sale? Winter is a prime time for deals on windows. Remember, window manufacturers tend to release new models in spring when people’s minds are on making wholesale changes to their homes.

However, installing windows in winter isn’t without its risks. It requires considerable skill and high-tech equipment to install windows safely during this season. The weather can turn any time, underlining the importance of calling a professional to complete your installation.

With Bordner Home Improvement, we can schedule your window installation in winter as soon as possible to relieve you of any drafts and give your home a much-needed facelift.

photo of front porch on a blue home with windows and white trim

Why You Should Avoid Replacing Your Own Windows

Experienced homebuilders may choose to replace their own windows. It’s not impossible to do the job yourself, but if you have no experience, saving a quick buck by skipping the professionals is a move that could come back to bite you.

Every season poses challenges, so here are some reasons calling a professional is a worthwhile investment.

Health and Safety

Working above the ground always comes with risk. There are over 500,000 ladder-related injuries nationwide annually. Startlingly, 97% of ladder injuries occur outside of the workplace.

Homeowners taking high-level work into their own hands is the leading cause of fall injuries and deaths nationwide.

Installing windows is tricky and will require getting off the ground. Let the professionals handle a hazardous job. Saving a little money is not worth potential emergency room bills.

Expertly Selected Windows

Seasons are different in every part of the U.S. You need a window that matches the conditions of your local area.

Collaborating with a professional enables you to speak to an expert who understands which features you require for your home. 

For example, a Bordner Home Improvement expert might identify a need for increased insulation for a drafty basement in Kansas City. Hiring an expert can save money by choosing the right windows for your home and taking advantage of wholesale industry prices.

Precision-Installed Windows

Windows don’t operate in standard sizes because homes don’t have standard sizes. Professional window installers take careful measurements of your windows to ensure a perfect installation every time.

Windows that are off by even a half-inch can cause significant problems for your home. If your window is too large, you can’t attach them to your home. In contrast, windows that are too small will see more air leakage, destroying their energy efficiency.

Window technicians have specialized equipment, industry know-how, and experience to measure your frames and guarantee the correct size.

Efficient Installation

Homeowners without previous experience could spend hours trying to replace their windows. Experienced installers can complete the job in a fraction of the time, whatever the weather.

Hiring professional window installers from Bordner Home Improvement saves you time, eliminates complex logistics, and can help you get the most from your windows.

Warranty Issues

Your warranty defends you in the event of poor craftsmanship. However, read through the average warranty, and the manufacturer will state that it’s void if a problem occurs because of improper installation.

One mistake on your part could void your entire warranty and force you to pay for new windows out of your pocket. There is no way to predict how many issues you might run into when trying to complete the installation yourself.

Any good professional installer will also have a separate warranty guaranteeing the quality of their work. If your technician damages your window or performs poorly, their warranty will cover the cost of rectifying the problem.

Trust Bordner with Your Window Replacement Needs 

Figuring out when is the best time to buy windows is tough, but with a Bordner Home Improvement contractor by your side, they can answer all the tricky questions for you.

In addition to determining the best time of year to replace windows, your installer will also tell you how to access the latest market discounts and perform a high-quality installation.

If you are looking for window replacement in Kansas City, contact Bordner Home Improvement for a free consultation. We’re here to help you every step of the way! 


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