The Benefits of Home Weatherization

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Years ago, most homes — especially those up North — were built with little or no fortification against heat loss and, because the task of weatherization wasn’t cheap, home insulation wasn’t something that was a top priority. Today, though, most new home construction must meet certain insulation standards, according to the Bonneville Power Administration. There are also still a few additional things you can do to improve the comfort and energy efficiency of your home. After all, saving energy means saving money! BPA suggests first consulting with your utility representative to find out what measures you should take at the time of your home energy analysis.

You may then select a contractor to complete the necessary work-or you can do the job yourself. Many weatherization tasks are simple and take only a few hours to complete, though some may require the expertise of an insulation contractor. Your electric utility can provide any additional information you need to complete the job and answer questions about programs offered for home weatherization.

Visit the Bonneville Power Authority to view a complete do-it-yourself home weatherization guide.